BORN THAT MAN NO MORE MAY DIE Dear Friends, In as much as we would like to accept Christmas as the period to exchange gifts and felicitate with friends and family, it is key for us to understand the essence of this period.
It is no doubt that it is the season of giving, remembering and acknowledging the greatest giver, God. Jesus is God's gift to men. Jesus was born for an ultimate purpose: to redeem man back to God. It is needful for us to understand that the birth of Jesus was the true significance of God's intention toward mankind; to bring us into fellowship with Him in order to live our lives to its full capacity the way God intended.
The Bible establishes that Jesus was born so that those, who all their lives were subject to bondage may find freedom; those who lived in the shadows of death may have the freedom to live life in full. He was born to redeem man from eternal death-condemnation. He was "born that man no more may die, born to give them second birth..."
Celebrate this God's gift as you share your gifts with loved ones, both family and non-families alike. Remember, while we were not yet family with God, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to bring us into union with Him.
Celebrate with this knowledge today.
Michaels, Osas & The TransEdge Team
Daily we have come to understand, either by personal or learned experiences, what it means to FRUSTRATE or to be frustrated. Amongst other definitions, the Webster (1913) dictionary definitions explains my thought in this instance – “…To render invalid or of no effect” and “…To prevent from attaining a purpose.” It can be quite a painful experience to feel frustrated or become frustrated by situations or other people. In my opinion, frustration is an iota of disappointment in a different sense. You may have tried to explain a simple method to someone who does not believe what you are doing or saying, and as such makes jest of the situation; you will feel frustrated especially when your intention is to help. It will be disappointing to have spent such a useful time or effort on something that will never work or someone who will never understand. Also looking at the word “GRACE,” the Webster (1913) dictionary has it as - “Inherent excellence, endowment or characteristic fitted to win favour or confer pleasure or benefit.” And it extends to imply, “A state of one who is under such divine influence.” Notice the word “divine?” Grace as some say, is the influence to gain favour and excellence by no doing of yours, rather bestowed on you divinely. However, if you do not take cognizance of this grace, or are ignorant of it, you will not and cannot walk in it. Now here is my point: Everyone is bestowed with this grace from God. This grace makes everything you need to do easy and it opens doors of opportunity to you with unhindered access. But if you are ignorant of this grace and its source, it will not come into effect in your life’s circumstances. Using the analogy of a father who makes an investment for his children and provides them with the relevant document or cheque-book to make necessary withdrawal whenever they are in need. How may millionaires have died debtors without realizing their financial statuses! Ignorance denies people of losing out or not taking advantage of this grace. Unbelief is another factor. There are some who may have an opportunity to read through this article but have made up their minds not to believe that they have this grace or could obtain it. There is a measure of grace invested into your account as God’s child – take it or leave it – the bible also says so. After such huge investment and a person decide to care less of this grace, it will be frustrating to the investor. The Grace of God enables success, but if not taken into cognizance and taken advantage of, it will become fictional instead of being functional. Locking into this grace will defy odds and become a springboard to success in every area of your life. That easy, O yes! The reason why some people find it difficult to believe is because it is that easy! Some expect it to come at a price. They expect the job to have been done somehow; as such they find it difficult to believe it. The Truth is that, “it is free, but it did not come cheap.” It did come at a price, but it was not yours to pay. It was not a price paid by some random acts of kindness; it was specifically applied to you. This grace was established by the obedience and death of one person – Jesus the Christ. By one man’s disobedience - Adam, sin crept into the world. As such all became affected by the effect of his act, thereby falling short of the glory (which houses the grace) of God. Nevertheless, through the obedience of one man, who fulfilled the requirements relevant to meet the terms of restoring this glory back to man, Jesus the Christ, grace and truth was restored and established to and in all who believe in Him. * Yet most people, who tend to believe, still find it difficult to accept all the good and effect of Jesus’ act of obedience and death. They have come to respond to this call by selective acceptance due to their mindset, “how can this all be true?” Some believe they are saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus, but find it difficult to believe that the life they now live cannot be diseased by the effect of the same act that has saved them. By hanging on to this mindset of selective acceptance, they will still struggle with the same thing they used to struggle with when they did not receive the message of the gospel. The Grace of God that is in Christ Jesus, now bestowed on everyone who is a child of God, has the capability to provide for excellence, complete health, success, prosperity, love as well as forgiveness. Make full use of it. Do not render it invalid or of no effect. Give it a go. Start to depend on God’s grace today. There was a man named Paul, who tasted of both worlds – ignorance and knowledge of this grace. He has this to say: “…I do not frustrate the Grace of God.” - Galatian 2:20, The Bible (KJV) I love the way it is reflected in The Message translation of the Bible and I will leave you with this: “What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn't work. So I quit being a "law man" so that I could be God's man. Christ's life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not "mine," but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that. Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God's grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.” MSG Bible (Galatians 2:19-20) There is more… Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeG W! TransEdge -
How many of us have totally relied on a piece of technological equipment to take us to places we have never been and do not know how to get there! Personally, I am not very confident when it comes to finding my way around a big city. You may hand me a direction to a particular place, or may have been driven there the first time, but remembering how to get there is always a struggle for me. I sometimes sought excuses why I cannot be there (probably for an event), but the primary reason was ‘how to get there.’ Recently I purchased a GPS navigator and ever since I am amazed and have been very pleased how it works. All I need to do when I am going to places I do not know is to key in the address of the place I am heading to, then sit back. Amazingly, it talks me through my way, giving me specific directions, quick routes, with several alternative and options to avoid toll routes, known heavy traffic routes, use the highway. Its functions extend to locating the closest restaurants, fuel stations, banks or ATM locations and facilities you may need on your way. Its functions also alert you to the required speed limit on the road you are travelling, as well as the speed you are driving. At the same time it never forgets to alert you when you are approaching a speed or red-light cameras, enabling you to keep alert and safe while travelling. What an amazing piece of equipment! It works! Most of us have come to rely totally on it on our journey, thus avoiding assumptions and guesswork. As such it has rid me of potential excuses why I may not turn up at an event simply because I do not know how to get there. Sorry to bore you with all that information. But I provided that information as a background to our discussion. Now the reliance or dependence on this Satellite Navigation System (Navigator) is what I will call Faith. Nine times out of ten you will always trust it. Now if we have a piece of equipment, which helps us navigate our everyday travel on the road with such great functions, what about life’s Navigation system? May I introduce you to a personality who is an expert in navigating lives and its affairs – far much more have the unrivaled potential in directing the course of lives than the way the electronic navigation system works. I call Him, ‘The Divine Strategist’ – the specialist navigator. He is the person of the Holy Spirit of God. He is the one who can perform the ‘live’ life’s functions of the Navigator and more. At some point, you will need to update your navigator, but the Divine Strategist (the Holy Spirit) is full with capacity and lacking nothing. Instead, he updates you with more knowledge of him as you go on. He is a ‘one stop shop’ to all life’s solutions. Just the way one goes to purchase a navigator from a retail store, He is not available for purchase because you cannot buy Him, but you can acquire His influence and engage His services and assistance without money. All you need do is to make total verbal and heart believing invitation for Him to come to you. It is important most times when leaving your car to disconnect and remove the mobile navigator to avoid theft. As for the Divine Strategist, he is not something you ‘take’ along; He lives inside you so that you do not have to be without help at anytime, place and in any aspect of your life. It is demeaning to compare Him to a piece of an electronic navigator, but this is done to bring you into a basic understanding of his personality using this illustration. If you do not have Him and you will love to encounter Him, ask Him in your best possible way to come into your life: trust me, He will not refuse you. He has always loved to come in, but HE wanted to be formally introduced to you. He is very patient and will not impose Himself on you without your consent. Now is your time to acquire the best practice, best help, the specialist, the divine strategist there is and will ever be: the person of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, the electronic navigator may lose reception and unable to connect to the satellite which feeds it the live information. The Holy Spirit Himself is the satellite and He is eternally connected with God who is all in all. To invite Him in, you may choose to use my words if you cannot think of anything to say to Him at the moment. However while you are borrowing my words, I give you full privilege to make it your own by attaching real meaning to it. “Dear Holy Spirit of God, may I introduce myself to you too. My name is (your name). I heard about you today and realized you waited for me all my life to know you. Now I ask you, Holy Spirit, please come into my life to stay. Fill up the empty spaces in my life, taking out the junks that I have heaped through years of ignorance. Stay with me as you have promised you will. I will always trust you from now on and will lack nothing more. Welcome to your home in me. Amen.” If you would like to know more, please get a copy of the bible or you can request one from us. And for more enquiries, please contact us on our contact us page or email [email protected]. Please visit for more information. Michaels AibangbeeZoeG!Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group"Born to make the Change"- ZoeG W! TransEdge -
This is a sequel to The Power of Dreams (Part 1). In this discussion we shall continue with the tools for faith development: Dreams – Vision for life, goals. Dream is the power to visualize our various destinations, what should happen and it is the difference between now and the future. Dreams never paint the past; it uses the present and garnishes it with your thought pattern to create a mental picture of your future. This is the reason why some positive achievements should not be a surprise to you because you saw it coming. You would have dreamt about it, talked about it and now you are living it with gratitude. That is what déjà vu is all about – when you feel like you have already experienced it. Don’t forget: you will only settle for what you get when you don’t consciously determine where you are going. Some hardly dream, but those who dare to dream reap its fruits. Consider the life of the Bible character, Joseph who was sprung to unrivaled fame and success through the power of dreams and faith in God, which was the foundation for his thoughts (Genesis 37). We concluded in previous discussion mentioning, “…positive words may see the way, but a Faith word paves the way.” However, Faith word helps you to dream, and paves the way to achieve it. Dream! Dream big! So big that it will have to take God’s grace to achieve it. Keep speaking your dreams to life just the same way God call things to being as though they were. Don’t let anything bad happen to you or anything good without your knowledge. Determine what should happen in your life. It may take some time to develop that awareness, but it sure produces good and lasting result. See the success and achievements in your life and never forget, “Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.” (1 Jn.5: 4) Thoughts:- Does your position in the family or society dictate your destiny?Hint: Joseph’s position in his family: 11th of 12 sons, and 12th of 13 Children. – Gen. 30:22-24; 35:22
- When is the right age to start dreaming? And when you dare, do you see it as nightmares or motivations? Hint: Joseph was 17 when he had the recorded dreams.
- What were the direct effect of Joseph’s talking about his dreams on:- Him and His Audience
- 4. In what ways can you make your dreams influence others?When you do not seem to be there yet, do you attempt to help others realize their dreams?
Hint: Helping others to visualize their destination brings you much closer to yours. (Gen. 40:9-15) - How easy is it to look beyond the human help mentally than looking to God’s help?
Hint: Joseph’s request and the butler (Gen. 40:14,15 & 23) - What do you think when you consider the Rewards?
Joseph 11th of 12 children in the family, but received the inheritance of the eldest son – Gen. 49:22-26; 50:15-21)Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeG W! TransEdge -rinting this email. Contact Me  
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. In the previous discussions, we have diligently studied the topic, Word Power in its various phases. Having laid a foundation and established the act of speaking positively and speaking in faith, we will now move a step further to consider what helps us to develop faith, what we can use that Faith to achieve and the tools we may need to guard against faithless thoughts. First we’ll consider out thought patterns. Your thought pattern is what has driven or brought you where you are at the moment. It determines who you are and where you go, without really considering your wishes. In some circumstances, wishes become an aberration of your thoughts especially when not accompanied by active creative thoughts. Be in control; take charge of your thoughts. Determine what needs to happen, what is happening and how it should happen. People are usually skeptical of various happenings – not sure what the next turn of event will be. People always think good things or bad may happen at one time or another. This way of thinking stems up most times from the way we see ourselves. The potential difference between you and your mates, now or later, is the product of what you have stored up in you. Your thought pattern draws you closer to its fulfillment. You are the product of what you think. Can you easily give a genuine answer to this question: who do you think you are? First your mental picture sees that question in two challenging perspectives: the challenge to either accept a low self esteem or prove your-self-worth. On a second thought, it’s an opportunity to sell your self, irrespective of the tone of voice or circumstance. That’s exactly how life throws challenges at us. So back to the question, ‘who do you think you are?’ It may sound simple, but it’s a personality search question. Who you think you are is who you really are! Not the verbal ‘what you think’, but the inner nonverbal home-alone ‘what you think’. This is the same reason why you should not cower under impending circumstance hoping to rise up to it when the challenge presents itself. The challenges you have won mentally will only come to play in reality as defeated. be continued.
Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeG W! TransEdge -
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. This is a sequel to the last discussion where we established the essence of speaking positively in our daily lives. But then positive words have its limitations. We may say positive words, but there is a power behind those words, and the force that releases it determines that power. I hope you will agree with me that to most people, especially the ‘Uninitiated,’ speaking faith is like talking crap, it just sounds senselessly foolish. By 'Uninitiated,' I mean those who have not been brought up or groomed with the science of speaking in faith - the faith of God. In this discussion, we shall consider what the dividing line between positive and faith speaking is, the product of both, and how to set ourselves up for undeniable success in life.
Most times people think when you speak in faith, you are probably in denial of reality. No! It strictly means you have gone beyond the ordinary to a higher level of thoughts and definitiveness of purpose. Faith is not the denial of reality, but the conviction of the fact and your role in it. Considering the ancient story of the 12 Israel spies sent to spy out Canaan, because God has assured them a promise of an inheritance. At their return, they had to 'tell it as it is' to Moses who sent them on the journey. Majority of them gave an account of what they saw, but only two had decided to see it differently. You may know the story (Numbers 13:30 - 33).
They agreed with the fact that the country's economy was buoyant with all the good stuff, but then, they saw the residents as not friendly, and a scare to their existence. They literally saw themselves as grasshoppers in their eyes because of their giant built. Was that real? Yes! But was it the fact? No! However, Caleb and Joshua gave a different account. It was not a feel good account, but defined their role in the reality of the circumstance. Caleb spoke up, "...'Let us go up boldly and possess it, for we are well able to do it.' But the men that went up with him said, 'We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.' And they brought to the children of Israel an evil report of the land which they had searched out, saying, 'The land, which we have passed through to search it out, is a land that eats up its inhabitants; and all the people that we have seen in it are men of great stature; and there have we seen giants - the sons of Anak are of the giants - and we were in our sight as grasshoppers, and so we were also in their sight.'"
Furthermore, Joshua and Caleb, who were of them that spied out the land, tore their clothes: and they told all the congregation of the children of Israel, The land we went to spy out, is an exceeding good land. If God delight in us, then He will bring us into this land, and give it to us; a land which flows with milk and honey. Only rebel not against God, neither be afraid of the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is removed from over them, and God is with us: do not be afraid."
And that is Faith!
There are life's circumstances that sometimes seems to deter us from God's promises, and deprive us of enjoying life, but you can take your cues from Caleb and Joshua today. It may be in your job, or people at your work place, or family, or relationships. Speak God's word regarding that circumstance. You can start by saying, "No matter how ugly the situation is, or how bleak the circumstance is, I am coming out stronger with my head high." Keep saying it, "I am coming out stronger because it will all work out for my good!"
Here is the difference:
1. Positive words comes from desires, but Faith word comes by Revelation. There are some circumstances that positive talk will not toss you over. But faith can see you through - Faith in God and His word which tells you, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
2. Positive words strives against the negative which could be changed by morality and rules, but Faith word conquers anything even when its against nature. Whatsoever is born of God, overcomes (conquers) the world (every situation) - (1 Jn. 5:4).
3. Faith speaking comes with persuasion. Until you are persuaded, you are not talking in faith. Think about Abraham in the bible, who was very old, "...yet, looking at the promise of God (about having children), he wavered not through unbelief, but waxed strong through faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He (God) was able also to perform." (Rom 4:17‐21)
Thoughts: Think about the words that you use more on a daily basis, how much faith can you see out of them?
Thoughts: Ask yourself, "Where am I going with my talk pattern? (Where would it possibly lead me?)"
Never forget, positive words may see the way, but a Faith word paves the way. Being positive strives to work it out, but FAITH takes a hold of it (seeing it as a reality). The life of faith is so exciting. Desire and determine to start leaving by faith, and you will never find another circumstance that can numb you out!
I've got lots to tell you...
Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeG W! TransEdge -
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. In previous discussion, we addressed a topic, “The Power of Confession.” An excerpt: “… words have tremendous power over our lives. When you are really aware of it, you can change your life's pattern drastically. However, most people don’t give it much attention and make things much harder on themselves. …You can actually create the results you want by speaking them over and over before they happen.”
Most of us pay less attention to what we say. We just say them! We commit with our words, but don’t commit to our words. We just talk to get by the situation. But words are more than that. Your words represent you. Its just like talking to someone over the phone, though he may not be able to see your face at the time, but he holds on to your words as YOU. Talk they say is cheap. But that is not correct. Crap talk is cheap, but at the end you pay a huge price for recklessness.
Your words can implicate you in a great trouble. One of Jesus' close friend, James once said, "We often stumble and fall, all of us. If there is any one who never stumbles in speech, that man has reached maturity of character and is able to curb his whole nature" (James 3:2 - Weymouth). Determine to always commit to what you say. People can hardly trust you when you are not able to commit to your words. Its more like telling your self a lie. Don not speak words that you have not thought through. Don't speak what you are not thinking, and don't speak when you are not thinking. Speak the words that you have accurately proven to be a perfect representation of you.
In addition, when you speak, let it be words that are bound to produce good results. Jesus said, “Out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man out of his inner good treasure flings forth good things. And the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things. But I tell you, on the day of judgment, men will have to give account of every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.” (AMP). You might think, well the day of judgment is very a religious term, and its a time in the not very near future. Well Jesus meant that, and this: the day of reckoning. The day of reckoning is as well the time when you get the result of words that you have spoken: Success if positive, and definite embarrassment if negative.
When I mentioned earlier in Jesus' words, "...Every Idle word...," the word IDLE is translated in the Greek as meaning - useless, unprofitable, barren, unproductive.
I want you to take time to consider the following: a. Do you just Talk or Communicate? b. What are the main ingredients of your words? (Do you think crap? Or talk crap? Do you have it in your vocabulary?) N/B: Think about the words that you use more on a daily basis, write them on a paper and reconsider them. c. Where am I going with my talk pattern? (Where would it possibly lead me?)
I would like to conclude this part by reiterating that the words you speak represent you. It is the product of what you have continuously fed yourself with (whether consciously or unconsciously), and where you have been; and it will guide you to your destination. Ask yourself, "Are my words really leading me where my mind wants to go?" Start considering every word that comes out of your mouth from now. Consciously anticipate its results and ability before you say them. Until you saythem, it is powerless. “Make sure you think long and hard before you speak; it can literally change the direction and the path of your life.”
Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeG W! TransEdge -
There is a little known fact that words have tremendous power over our lives. When you are really aware of it, you can change your life's pattern drastically. However, most people don’t give it much attention and make things much harder on themselves. Yes, the words you speak out of your mouth have an amazing power because your ears hear what you say. Your mind believes every word you say to be true, and it believes whatever you say. Successful people are well aware of this. They know that you can actually create the results you want by speaking them over and over before they happen. Your mind hears these instructions and will actually make them come true. If you want to be Rich, speak about yourself as already being Rich. Speak about how you’re just getting started. Speak about all of the wonderful things that will be happening in your life. Make a conscious effort to speak positively about situations even if you don’t believe them to be true. Your mind will begin to believe them. You’ll actually feel better about the situation itself. Someone once suggested to think of the worst thing going on in your life right now then begin to speak about it positively, confessing God’s word over it. I strongly agree and endorse that statement! If you’re sick, talk about how much better you feel all of a sudden. If you have money problems, talk about how you’re getting your finances in order and the problems will pass. If you have marriage problems, talk about how you’ll be a better spouse and how much your marriage is about to improve. Then watch, as the problems will begin to fix themselves. Words work the other way too. Watch someone talking poorly about his or her spouse and I’ll show you a divorce about to happen. I read about someone who, since she was 20 years old, said she would die of cancer one day. I understand she died of cancer at age 37. On a deeper level, "Confession" merely means to proclaim God's word, as though it was written thousands of years ago specifically for you, because it was! These are God's precious promises for our lives. If you have unsaved loved ones, for example, you can believe when you pray God's word into their situation (or any situation of yours) that His Word will not return to Him void, but it will do exactly what it was meant to do" (Isaiah 55:11). By speaking God's promises into your situation, you are praying the answer, rather than focusing on the problem. In other words, by speaking His words, rather than making up your own, you have the assurance of what His will is regarding the subject. Instead of asking Him, thank Him, and give Glory to God for the answer! Remind Him that His word has already provided the solution, and watch the power of God's words make it happen for you, and in other peoples' lives. Positive words can do much, but God’s word is invincible and it cannot fail. Michaels AibangbeeZoeG! GroupZoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group"Born to make the Change"- ZoeG W! TransEdge -
Its great priviledge to start off this discussion with an excerpt from the great Legend's (Dr Martin Luther King Jr) last speech, "I've been to the mountain top" - April 3, 1968.
"...And you know, if I were standing at the beginning of time, with the possibility of taking a kind of general and panoramic view of the whole human history up to now, and the Almighty said to me, "Martin Luther King, which age would you like to live in?" - I would take my mental flight by Egypt and I would watch God's children in their magnificent trek from the dark dungeons of Egypt through, or rather across the Red Sea, through the wilderness on toward the promised land. And in spite of its magnificence, I wouldn't stop there.
I would move on by Greece, and take my mind to Mount Olympus. And I would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes assembled around the Parthenon. And I would watch them around the Parthenon as they discussed the great and eternal issues of reality. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would go on, even to the great heyday of the Roman Empire. And I would see developments around there, through various emperors and leaders. But I wouldn't stop there. I would even come up to the day of the Renaissance, and get a quick picture of all that the Renaissance did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even go by the way that the man for whom I'm named had his habitat. And I would watch Martin Luther as he tacked his ninety-five theses on the door at the church of Wittenberg. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would come on up even to 1863, and watch a vacillating president by the name of Abraham Lincoln finally come to the conclusion that he had to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even come up to the early thirties, and see a man grappling with the problems of the bankruptcy of his nation. And come with an eloquent cry that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. But I wouldn't stop there.
Strangely enough, I would turn to the Almighty, and say, "If you allow me to live just a few years in the second half of the 20th century, I will be happy." Now that's a strange statement to make, because the world is all messed up..."
It takes darkness, gloom and slavery to determine and appreciate the essence of light, joy, and freedom. Today's happenings around the world gives us more opportunity to live our lives unrestrained by circumstances. Its the best period to live the life we were born to live. considering the excerpt above, know that nothing should be strong or amazing enough to stop you in your tracks. It gives us the courage to yearn for more, because there is MORE to life than we can see now!
Never cower under anything that tends to limit you because it sees the power and influence that you wield. It may tend to throw mist at the windscreen of your goals and aspirations. The truth remains that you can keep wiping it off and keep moving forward, motivated by what you possess in your heart.
Have you ever thought about it that there is a reason you were not born thousands and hundreds of years ago? Have you ever given it a thought that you may not have had the influence you have right now? Now that you are here, you have the freedom to give to the world what you have in your possession, to the betterment of mankind.
Be dutiful in all that you do, and articulately live with the determination to succeed in all your endeavours. Arise, shine for your time to act is NOW! So be concerned when things are not going right...count it as a privilege and a duty you owe to the redemption of its victims. Take charge, look out for solution from within you. Don't become compassionate by proxy! Put yourself on the line, because you can cause a change by the power of your direct action.
Michaels Aibangbee ZoeG! Zoe Generation! The Waterfalls & Transformation Edge Group "Born to make the Change" - ZoeGW!TransEdge -
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